How to Pack for a Move Checklist

How to Pack for a Move Checklist

If you've ever moved before, or maybe if you have a move coming up in your future, Moving is hard,  there's a lot of work involved. When considering how to pack for a move checklist. 

Don't you worry your pretty little mind. I've got some amazing moving tips and hacks that will help make your move a bazillion times easier.

How to pack for a move checklist

Follow Best House Ideas’s checklist for moving to make the process more manageable and creates less stress.

1. Declutter Move

The first thing you have to do is purge before you move. It's tempting to think oh, just throw it in a box, we'll figure it out in the next house. But take time to declutter and get rid of as much as you can before moving.

2. You don't need expensive bubble wrap stuff

A great moving tip is don't buy that expensive bubble wrap stuff, though it is really super fun to pop. You don't need it. Just use your own towels, rags, and even your own clothes to wrap your breakable and fragile items.

3. Coffee filters in between breakable items

Use coffee filters in between breakable items. Coffee filters are, like, dirt cheap. 

4. Moving boxes

Another way to save money is don't buy boxes. What a waste! Just check your local Classifieds and even Facebook.

People are always willing to give their moving boxes for free when they finish them. Another option is, pick up the phone and call the grocery stores nearest you. They get boxes every week, and they're happy to give them away for free.

5. Start with things on the walls

Along with anything on the walls is decor. Just get that stuff out of the way. You don't need it. 

6. Packing your clothes

When it comes to packing your clothes, you do not need to put them in boxes. Just take a big, sturdy garbage sack, put the sack around a bundle of clothes, pack them just like a dry cleaner bag.

7. Your drawers

Another great tip is do not unpack your drawers. Just take the drawer out, wrap it in packing wrap, and toss it in the truck. Then, when you get to where you're going, pull off the wrapping paper, stick it in the dresser.

8. Labeling is so important

Be sure to label several sides of the boxes you're packing. And, on one side of the box, be sure to write down every single thing that's in the box. So you can find what you need easily.

9. Use different colored tape

When it comes to packing and moving, the trick is to be ultra-organized. Use different colored tape and color code boxes based on the room they need to go to.

Make several master lists and have them planted? Have them placed in a few obvious places so everybody knows exactly where the boxes need to go.

10. Keeping all your moving supplies in one bin

One thing I recommend doing is getting some of those sturdy, plastic bins and keeping all your moving supplies in one bin.

We're talking scissors, tape, packing wrap, markers, your color coded master list, and even a few simple tools that you might need to take off doors or assemble light furniture during the move.

11. Necessary items

Be sure to have a bin of necessary items that you need to function when you get to the next house.
We're talking basic things like; 
  • Hand soap
  • Toilet paper
  • Dish soap
  • Dish brush
  • Paper plates and cups some plastic forks
  • Some water bottles
  • Some snacks
  • Phone chargers
  • Some activities like coloring for your kids, paper towels.
  • Shampoo
  • Towels and a shower curtain.

12. Safe Electronics

For TVs and computers, Secure the screens with clothes, then put them in cardboard boxes that close them well.

13. Rugs

Roll up the rugs and wrap them with a wide tape.

14. Snap one last picture

And last, and most important, be sure to snap one last picture of you and your family in front of your house.

Those are some quick and easy tips for making packing and moving much, much easier. I hope you like these how to pack for a move checklist tips and tricks. Do you have any great moving ticks?

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