Seven Steps to organize the laundry roomVideo & Photos

laundry..laundry.. laundry room..organize  the laundry room

SevenSteps to organize  the laundry roomVideo & Photos

Do not make the laundry room to store things unused and these are some tips
Use these easy to do steps to liven up your laundry room and make washing clothes easy and fun

Start clean. Take everything out of your laundry room

Get two hampers, baskets or bins for each member of your family
OR two baskets  one for whites and the other for coloreds
So, all you will need to do is reach into that laundry bag and toss everything into the machine, without having  to spend time sorting and separating

Use shelving: add a few shelves for keeping detergent, bleach, fabric softener and dryer sheets organized and easy to access

Get a hanging rack and hangers for air drying any clothes that cannot go through the dryer

Keep cleanser in your laundry room to wipe down the tops of your washer and dryer

Paint the walls a bright color

If there are windows, hang pretty curtains.Choose Acrylic Fabric for curtains, which will resist moisture and mold
