Refrigerator storage tips - How to Clean Fridge

Refrigerator storage tips - How to Clean Fridge

Refrigerator storage tips - what you need to know

Is your fridge always in a mess? Do you always have to search the contents of the refrigerator to find what you are looking for? You seem to need an urgent storage tutorial

You need to sort, organize, store and clean. Here are some additional tips to help you

Tip 1: Place food residue in transparent plastic containers. Most of the leftovers will last for a day or two. When stored, place it in front of the refrigerator so you can see if it has already been destroyed. It is also best to put a sticker on it. Buy a stickymemo padthen mark the container. Alsoindicate the date you prepared the food.

Tip 2: For poultry products, they must be cleaned and washed carefully first before storing them in a container. Do not leave it in plastic because Salmonella and othermicroorganismswill spread easily in the refrigerator. Alsodo it with other meat products. Store them separately

Tip 3: Do not wash the vegetables before storing them. Wash it before you use it. Excess moisture may increase the chances of mold formation. If some root crops are very dirty, wash them carefully first and dry them. After drying, you can store them in the vegetable compartment in the refrigerator
Refrigerator storage tips - How to Clean Fridge

Tip 4: For vegetables with green leaves, it would be better to put them in afirstwarpplastic. This is to avoid dehydration. Some vegetables need moisture to maintain their underlying moisture. But since most refrigerators only have a moisture content of 65%, you need to put green leafy vegetables or fresh onesproducedwithout an outer skin in a plastic bag. This is to prolong its validity
Refrigerator storage tips - How to Clean Fridge

Tip 5: Get rid of vegetables and rotting fruits immediately. These emit more ethylene. This is a kind of gas that speeds up the process of ripening fruits and vegetables. If there are rotten fruits and pies in the refrigerator's fresh production room, fresh produce may soon rot

Tip 6: Replace the caps from the bottles tightly. This will help avoid air spills especially when opening and closing the refrigerator door. The movement may disturb the bottles inside and may cause leakage

Now that you know how to store the food properly, you should be able to consume it and use it for a longer time. These tips can also help to prolong the life of your refrigerator

Refrigerator Storage Tips - What You Need to Know
Refrigerator Storage Tips - What You Need to Know
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Refrigerator storage tips - How to Clean Fridge
Refrigerator storage tips - How to Clean Fridge
Refrigerator storage tips - How to Clean Fridge
Refrigerator storage tips - How to Clean Fridge
How to clean fridge 
Refrigerator storage tips - How to Clean Fridge
Refrigerator storage tips - How to Clean Fridge
How to clean fridge and Storage Tips.
Refrigerator storage tips - How to Clean Fridge

How to Clean Fridge ?

Keep up with the fridge by wiping it weekly every time I get the grocery stores to wipe down. 

Just this small tip to help keep it so do not be so  hard to clean it so true so that's what I do we can wash it at least once a week then I like wiping the bottoms of all the products  well because they can become really dirty.

This really helps to clean the bridge. 

Refrigerator storage tips - How to Clean Fridge
Refrigerator storage tips - How to Clean Fridge
Updated on 19/9/2018
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