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Best steps to organize the baby room2012..2013
-While having a new child to join your family may be one of the most exciting and joyous times in your life
Best steps to organize the baby room2012..2013
-While having a new child to join your family may be one of the most exciting and joyous times in your life
I have put together some tips on what you can do to get your baby's nursery organized.
If the nursery is a small room or a big room This furniture goes that is pretty much what you will need for the first 2 years of your baby's life.
Avoiding clutter in your child’s room is unequivocally crucial to maintaining your energy. The room should be like a wagon circle. Put the crib near the door and away from any direct sunlight or drafts. This way you can easily enter and exit the room as necessary when the child is sleeping, and the baby is protected from the elements. The crib should also have an outlet nearby for a nightlight, CD player, or other useful items.
Organizing The Crib
1-Waterproof mattress pad
- Next to the crib should be the changing table. Do you want to carry a crying baby all the way across the room at four in the morning?
- Now let's talk about how to organize the baby's nursery.
Organizing The Changing Table:
Do not put heavy, sharp, or breakable items on low shelves that the child can reach. Also, do put furniture that is small enough for the baby to knock over within his/her reach.
Trashcan designed for diapers
Put the trashcan designed for diapers next to the changing table to avoid smell.
Organizing The Dresser
- Drawer Dividers: To use drawers more efficiently and keep small items separated, divide drawers with boxes or small baskets. Reader Favorite: SKUBB Storage Boxes
-Try to keep outfits together in drawers or closet
The Closet
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Organizing The Closet
Organizing The Closet
1-Keep all sizes together and separate by a hanger that is left over from clothes that you have received. Most hangers from stores have the size on them. For example, if you bought an outfit that is size 3 months the hanger with that outfit also says three months. Use that hanger to separate the newborn size form the 3 month size.
2-Get a plastic bin or wicker basket to keep extra blankets in.
3-Get a plastic bin or wicker basket to put baby towels and washcloths in
4-Keep extra sheets
-Clothing that has been outgrown should be stored away in the closet,
small lamp on the table next to the chair in the nursery. This will be helpful when you need a little light in the middle of the night for feeding you baby.
put a picture of your baby as a newborn on the table
Keep the middle of the room open so that you can easily walk from one side to the other in the dark.
Your organization needs will change over time, so be flexible with your space and how you organize it.
There are a few rules that you should be sure to follow no matter what. Have diapers and changing products in easily accessible areas around the whole space, maybe even in every room.
Be prepared for feeding. Have comfortable places to sit with the child all over the house.